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What's in the Works

Confessions of a Vampire from the Back Seat of a New York Taxicab


What would you do if a vampire got into your taxicab and asked for a ride? But not just a ride across town, a ride for a specific purpose. For one New York cab driver who works the overnight shift, that just happened.

Over the course of one unforgettable night, a vampire on the verge of starvation and desperate to feed will require the assistance of a taxicab driver to act as his chauffeur who will take him around the city that never sleeps in effort to find that in which he requires, healthy human blood. The problem is, a recent pandemic has left the population with tainted blood that the creatures of the night simply can't feed from.

Holding a conversation about the myths and legends of the vampire world, the cabbie will transport his fare from Manhattan, to Central Park, Chinatown, and ultimately to Hell's Kitchen in their search. Along the way and in their rearview mirror they'll leave several unfortunate victims until they locate the one they're searching for.

Confessions of a Vampire from the Back Seat of a New York Taxicab is an edgy and dark-humored horror story. A campy, gory, and erotic thrill ride that will keep you turning the pages from award winning New England Author, David Wilson.


WARNING: This book contains extreme profanity, scenes of gore, explicit sexual references, and a graphic sexual situation.

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